Cases & Accessories

Cases & Accessories

Cornet Cases

Double Cases for Trumpet and Flugel

Melody Fanfare Trumpet Cases

Tenor & Bass Fanfare Trumpet Cases

Fanfare Cases

Fully-flight Cornet Case

A pair of posthorns in a semi-flight case

Fully-flight Cases

Fully-flight Cases

As used by the bands of The Royal Marines, Royal Air Force, British and American Armed Forces and Police Service.

A serious choice for travelling players. Extra reinforcement with corner protection and aluminium strip along all edges. Robust hinges and latches allowing use of own padlocks rather than universal keys.

Fully-flight cases are light and can be made to order in a choice of aluminium, or blue, red and black Astroboard. A basic principle of packaging is that the product must be held firmly by the right resilient material for its mass and not allowed to move freely during external impact. All cases have a especially designed shaped foam insert surrounding the instrument (no fluffy cloth or wood blocks) giving perfect hold for the Smith-Watkins instrument.

The cases may be purchased separately for use with other makes of instrument. The internal foam may be trimmed to suit with a very sharp knife